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Couverture de A Very Lively Murder

A Very Lively Murder

De : Katy Watson
Lu par : Jilly Bond
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    One murder mystery movie. Three Dahlias. And a whole cast of suspects...

    Ex child star Posy Starling is finally filming her dream role - Dahlia Lively in The Lady Detective movie. But things take a nightmare turn when a prop weapon is replaced with the real thing - with almost fatal consequences for her fellow Dahlia, Rosalind King. There's something very wrong on the set of The Lady Detective - which means it's time to call in Caro Hooper, so the three Dahlias can investigate.

    In between filming scenes, signing autographs for locals, photoshoots on set and jetting off to France for an impromptu party, the three Dahlias do what they do best - surreptitiously sleuth. And very soon the evidence starts to point towards one particular co-star...

    But before they can prove it, a murder rocks the production. And this time, with a storm raging, the river flooded and the bridge washed out, there are no police to rely on so it's up to the three Dahlias to stop a murderer in their tracks... before another victim is claimed.

    ©2023 Katy Watson (P)2023 Hachette Audio UK


    "A truly entertaining crime novel in the Three Dahlias series, very much in the Agatha Christie tradition, and I hope this series will continue." (Shots Magazine)

    "Will please those who liked the opening book." (The Critic)

    "Fiendeshly clever." (Bucks Herald)

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