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  • A Very Kind Stranger

  • A Heartwarming Tale of Kindness and Compassion for Kids - Inspiring Lessons on Empathy and Humanity
  • De : Zangena La Touche
  • Lu par : Monte Van Vleet
  • Durée : 6 min

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A Very Kind Stranger

De : Zangena La Touche
Lu par : Monte Van Vleet
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    "A Very Kind Stranger" by Zangena La Touche is a heartwarming and beautiful journey into the transformative power of kindness and compassion. Through this engaging tale, young listeners are invited to explore the profound impact of extending a helping hand and the magic that unfolds when empathy and humanity are at the forefront.

    Follow the story of a stranger who emerges as a beacon of kindness, forever altering the course of a man's life after a harrowing encounter with robbers. Through this captivating narrative, children learn the importance of extending kindness to others, regardless of their circumstances. The book delicately weaves together essential values, such as empathy and compassion, in a way that is both relatable and inspiring.

    In "A Very Kind Stranger," young listeners not only witness the transformative effects of empathy but also gain insights into the intricate tapestry of humanity. The book goes beyond storytelling; it serves as a powerful tool to foster personal growth and character development in children.

    As part of Zangena's acclaimed series, this book seamlessly integrates with other vibrant adventures, enhancing the listening experience with layers of social-emotional learning. It's a must-listen for parents, caregivers, and educators seeking children's literature that nurtures kindness, empathy, and the essential qualities that shape good character.

    Elevate conversations about kindness and empathy with your child by immersing them in "A Very Kind Stranger." This book isn't just a story—it's an invitation to create a brighter, more compassionate world.

    ©2023 Zangena La Touche (P)2023 Zangena La Touche
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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