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Couverture de A Vaisakhi to Remember

A Vaisakhi to Remember

De : Simran Jeet Singh
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    A new picture book from Simran Jeet Singh, A Vaisakhi to Remember celebrates community and heritage as a young girl looks for points of connection in a new country through the joyous Sikh spring harvest holiday of Vaisakhi.

    When a Sikh family moves from their village in India to a city in North America, their young daughter yearns for her grandmother's hugs, her goat Ramu, and the lush fields that surrounded her home. She worries they won't be able to properly celebrate Vaisakhi, the most important Sikh holiday, in an unfamiliar new home. But through visiting gurdwara, preparing traditional foods, hearing ancestral music, and playing with children of all backgrounds, the young girl discovers that while life changes, the sense of community, heritage, and hope that Vaisakhi represents to her can thrive anywhere when people come together.

    Based on the author's own immigration story and brought to life with vivid illustrations by debut picture book illustrator Japneet Kaur, this touching picture book shows children that home is where we build community and carry traditions forward.

    ©2025 Simran Jeet Singh (P)2025 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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