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Couverture de A Transfer of Vengeance: The Vengeance Chronicles

A Transfer of Vengeance: The Vengeance Chronicles

De : Anthony Aaron Richards
Lu par : Terry Nichols
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    "Don’t underestimate a dangerous woman. And don’t judge by appearances; evil can be pleasant and pretty on the outside. Just like poison candy.”—Joni E. Johnston, Psy.D

    Raven never expected to become a serial killer chasing other serial killers, but after the FBI and local authorities take her to the scene of her sister’s murder, a switch flips. Now, she can’t stop hunting the bastard who left her sister’s body hanging from a tree. But with each roadblock she encounters—from the Bayou summer cabins she used to share with Sara to the shoreline in Savannah, Georgia—Raven is forced to confront the fact that she may not have ever truly known the sister she’s avenging. Candle wax on tables. Cameras hidden in secret rooms behind bookcases.

    Getting closer to the truth opens Raven’s reality to the many women who have been murdered like her sister, to the many Didn’t Make Its, to the many serial killers who need to pay. The FBI might deem her actions as a wild killing spree, but Raven sees it as a damn earned vengeance.Yet she never imagined getting the attention of an worldwide Romani human trafficking ring and baby factory. It turns out, Sara had been right in the middle of it all. But if Raven had been spared as a child, why not her sister during all those summers? When all their family secrets finally surface once and for all, no woman is safe!

    ©2016,2018,2020 Anthony Aaron Richards (P)2024 Joshua Laforgia

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