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Couverture de A Tender Soul

A Tender Soul

De : M.A. Nichols
Lu par : Madeleine Brolly
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    Death ought not to be a happy thing, but then, marriage ought not to be a prison.

    Seven years ago, Lady Lydia Whiting married for the good of her parents, and widowhood was supposed to mark the beginning of her freedom. But when her husband spurns her from beyond the grave and cuts her from his will, her parents are determined to force her into another wretched marriage of convenience.

    Fleeing is the only option.

    Robert Bradshaw has a good, quiet life. Work and his daughter are all he needs, even if others think he ought to remarry. Why should he? His beloved wife was an angel among men, and no other could compare—especially a young widow who is more mouse than woman.

    But with Lydia’s parents determined to get her back under their thumb, Robert may be her only salvation.

    ©2021 M.A. Nichols (P)2024 M.A. Nichols

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