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  • A Tale of Two Houses

  • Our Journey of Buying a Home the Right Way After Buying One the Wrong Way
  • De : Jonathan White
  • Lu par : Jonathan White
  • Durée : 4 h et 41 min

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A Tale of Two Houses

De : Jonathan White
Lu par : Jonathan White
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    A Tale of Two Houses: Our Journey of Buying a House the Right Way After Buying One the Wrong Way teaches the costs of buying and selling a home. But it's not just a book of facts and figures. It also is a book that openly shares Jon's story through the entire process: the ups and downs, the joys and stresses, the expensive parts and the real life cost of real estate.

    A Tale of Two Houses will help you answer the following questions:

    • How to best find a real estate agent
    • How much should I expect to keep from the sale of my current house?
    • What type of mortgage should we take out?
    • The best way to negotiate a sale or a buy
    • How much house can I afford?
    • Is it better to move yourself or hire someone else to do it?

    When Jon bought his first piece of property 10 years ago, he had no clue whatsoever as to what he was doing or getting into. He made a lot of dumb mistakes that cost him thousands upon thousands of dollars not including the added stress to his life. After going through that experience and coming through the other side he was determined to not let that happen again.

    So with his family's latest purchase of property in 2013 he documented every single detail related to the sale of his existing home and the purchase of the new one. In the end he got a great buy and a house that has been a financial blessing.

    In coaching with people one on one and answering questions on his podcast Jon kept hearing the same worries when it came to buying a home

    • Understanding all of the underlying costs of owning a home
    • Falling home values and not having an emergency fund
    • Getting trapped into something, not planning well
    • Catastrophic failure of major issues that were missed in the inspection
    • The cost of selling your current home and buying a future home - Is it worth the cost?

    ©2016 Jonathan White (P)2016 Jonathan White

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