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  • A Staten Island Love Letter 5: The Forgotten Borough

  • De : Jahquel J.
  • Durée : 8 h et 30 min

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Couverture de A Staten Island Love Letter 5: The Forgotten Borough

A Staten Island Love Letter 5: The Forgotten Borough

De : Jahquel J.
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    In the finale, everyone is battling their own demons.

    Messiah may have done something that could end her relationship with her daughter and husband. Has she gone too far, or like usual Messiah, did she know what she was doing?

    Staten is stuck on trying to handle loving Liberty, even after she ended things, be a father to he and Chanel’s daughter, and be there for a pregnant Maliah as well. Can he juggle it all, while trying to be there for his big brother too?

    Justice felt like her life was over. What was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, ended up being one of the worst days. She thought her past with shitty men was over when it came to Priest. Can Priest redeem himself? Or is this the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Justice decides to call it quits?

    Liberty is fighting for her life. Will Staten come running to her rescue like the past? Or will he finally give Liberty what she has been wanting; space? If that’s not enough, Ty is falling for Liberty—hard. Is he willing to compete for Liberty’s heart, knowing it belongs to her ex, Staten?

    With Ghost’s condition and Samoor’s condition, Free is stretched thin trying to be brave and hold down the home front. Will it all be too much to handle, or will Free pull up her big girl pants and hold it down for her son and man?

    Find out in the finale of this series!

    ©2024 Jahquel J. (P)2024 Recorded Books

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