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Couverture de A Soothing Guided Visualization for Healing Grief

A Soothing Guided Visualization for Healing Grief

De : Jane Fendelman
Lu par : Jane Fendelman
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    Grieving the loss of a loved one, whether it be through death or choice, is a deep and profound pain that shakes you to your very core. It must be approached gently and with conscious care. This healing process does just that. 

    Jane's great respect for the delicacy of this process makes her Healing Grief recording the best of its kind. 

    Her soothing voice leads you gradually into a soft, safe healing space where, at your own pace, your heart will gently come to a place of peace.

    As a twice-certified hospice worker, "Critical Incidence Debriefing" certified therapist and an individual, couples and child/family counselor, Jane is uniquely qualified and equipped with a profound compassion and deep understanding of death and loss.

    "I know it is a great risk for you to step into the courage to listen to a recording like this. My promise to you is that I have made this recording with the intention to touch your heart as gently as a feather, and ease your pain."

    Each time you listen to Jane's Healing Grief recording, your burden of grief and pain will feel lighter and lighter. Eventually, all you will feel is love and peace.

    ©2007 Jane Fendelman (P)2007 Jane Fendelman

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