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Couverture de A Song of Courage

A Song of Courage

De : Rachel Wesson
Lu par : Harrie Dobby
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    Based on the incredible true story of two unsung heroines who defied the odds to save countless lives, this powerful novel reveals how acts of extraordinary courage by ordinary women saved so many in the countdown to WW2.

    Connie Fitzwalter never imagined that her passion for music would lead her into a world of danger and intrigue.

    When her old family friend, Stephen, who works for the foreign office, tells Connie the true scale of the violence against Jewish people in Germany and Austria, she can stand aside no longer. Together, Stephen and Connie devise a daring and perilous mission to help innocent families escape the clutches of Nazi persecution.

    Under their cover as music enthusiasts traveling to high-society concerts in Europe, Connie and her sister Dottie begin by smuggling money and valuables for desperate families over the border. Before long they’re arranging safe passage for vulnerable children and escorting families to safety into England.

    As the sisters travel into the heart of Nazi Germany, defying the border guards, patrols and Gestapo agents takes every ounce of courage they have. Connie soon realizes the enormity of the danger they face, and Stephen, whose support has begun to mean more to her than she ever thought possible, begs her to take care.

    One misstep, one whisper of suspicion, and they could lose everything—their freedom, their futures, and even each other.

    A Song of Courage is a testament to the unbreakable bond of sisterhood and the strength of the human spirit. Fans of When We Were Brave, The Alice Network and Beneath a Scarlet Sky will be changed forever by this binge-worthy story.

    Based on the real-life story of the Mills & Boon novelist Mary Burchell/Ida Cook and her sister Louise Cook.

    ©2024 Rachel Wesson (P)2024 Storm Publishing

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