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Couverture de A Solutions Mindset

A Solutions Mindset

De : N. R. Legend
Lu par : Dan Hamel
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    Do you struggle with overthinking and procrastination? Are you ready to stop worrying about problems and focus on finding solutions?

    You wont be able to solve your problems if you're using the same thinking that created them in the first place.

    If you want to learn how to train your mind to be proactive rather than allowing fear of failure and stress to overwhelm you, then you need to listen to this book.

    There is a solution to every problem, you just need to change your mindset and this book will teach you how.

    Inside A Solutions Mindset, you will discover all of the following:

    • the four types of fear that hold us back and how to identify which one you are holding on to
    • the five-step method for how to stop being reactive and start being intentional
    • creative guided imagery meditation to help you tap into your core values
    • practical tools to help you rewire your thinking
    • how to embody your solutions mindset

    With this book in your hands, you will be given all the tools you need to begin your journey toward a happier, more positive outlook.

    From practical steps to help break the overthinking cycle to the self-reflective questions you need to ask, A Solutions Mindset is not just a self-help guide; it's an invitation for your next-level self to come into play.

    Get your copy today and make the shift to a solutions mindset.

    ©2022 N.R. Legend (P)2023 N.R. Legend

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