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  • A Skye Full of Stars

  • Skye Sisters Trilogy, Book 2
  • De : Sue Moorcroft
  • Durée : 10 h et 40 min

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Couverture de A Skye Full of Stars

A Skye Full of Stars

De : Sue Moorcroft
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    Return to the snow-covered mountains of the Isle of Skye this winter in book two of The Skye Sisters Trilogy – where new loves and unknown family are just waiting to be found…

    ‘I love all of Sue Moorcroft’s books!’ – KATIE FFORDE

    Under the winter stars, anything is possible…

    Ezzie Wynter can’t wait for Christmas on the beautiful Isle of Skye. Her island home sparkles at this time of year thanks to the snow-capped mountains and frosty winter walks, topped off with family gatherings with those she loves the most.

    But her peaceful Christmas idyll is upended when she hears that the Larson family – the owners of Rothach Hall – are flying in from Sweden for the festivities. As Manager of their grand Scottish manor house, Ezzie suddenly has decorations to hang, food to source and itineraries to organise.

    Life only becomes more difficult when Mats Larson turns up. The owners’ handsome, self-assured son is used to doing things his own way – and he is only another headache to add to her overflowing list.

    Yet when unexpected visitors arrive looking for Ezzie, nothing else matters as she is left questioning everything she ever knew about herself. But amidst the Christmas chaos, she might also discover that, when all is lost, it’s sometimes those we least expect who come to our aid…

    A beautiful, escapist festive tale to curl up with by the fire this Christmas. Perfect for fans of Sarah Morgan and Karen Swan.

    ©2024 Sue Moorcroft (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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