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Couverture de A Shadow of Love

A Shadow of Love

De : Amy S. Cutler
Lu par : Theresa Bakken
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    A Shadow of Love is a paranormal romance story of an abused woman and a dead poet. When Annabelle flees her abusive husband and moves into an 1860s farmhouse, she soon learns that she is not alone; she shares her home with Christian, the ghost of a poet who killed himself in 1917.

    Christian, wanting nothing but solitude, tries to scare Annabelle away, but once they come together while she is dreaming, they fall in love. The clock is ticking for Christian, for moments after his hanging his fiancé magically cursed his spirit to be stuck on earth for 100 years, and his time is almost up.

    With Annabelle's ex threatening her and the spirit she has fallen in love with on the verge of disappearing, Annabelle becomes obsessed with staying with Christian, and will do anything to be with him.

    Being in love with a ghost is bad enough, but for Annabelle, discovering that her true love will be crossing over at any moment pushes her over the edge of reckless behavior.

    ©2022 Black Rose Writing (P)2022 Black Rose Writing

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