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Couverture de A Service to Humanity

A Service to Humanity

De : Ephraim Toh
Lu par : Lawrence Locke
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    This is a story of victory against the odds a medical professional's ascent from an impoverished African village to global recognition. Dr. Ephraim Nyongha Toh's legacy is not just his career achievements but also his indomitable spirit, which resonates throughout "A Service to Humanity."

    From his humble beginnings to the halls of prestigious international organizations, Dr. Toh's life exemplifies the transformative power of dedication and self-belief. He champions the idea that within every individual lies a wealth of untapped potential. His journey underscores the truth that life's battles are fought and won not by yielding to despair but by persisting against it. Dr. Toh's philosophy is simple: life's dense jungle requires us to reach for the light or risk obscurity. It's a call to rise, to seek the sunlight of opportunity, and to refuse to stay at the base where shadows loom. His narrative is a testament to the fact that navigating life's path is about making the most of today's chances to ensure a brighter tomorrow.

    This book is Dr. Toh's beacon to those aspiring to make their mark. It is filled with the wisdom of a life spent in service to others, offering guidance to current and future leaders. His experiences are lessons in making the most of every day, recognizing that the greatest limitation is often the one we impose on ourselves. Through this inspiring account, Dr. Toh shares how he transformed personal loss into a lifelong mission to heal and teach.

    "A Service to Humanity" is more than a memoir it's a roadmap for anyone ready to embrace their potential and make a difference in their world. It's an invitation to see your life as a significant story, one that can teach, inspire, and provide for the advancement of humanity.

    ©2024 Ephraim Nyongha Toh (P)2024 Ephraim Nyongha Toh

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