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Couverture de A Search for Common Ground

A Search for Common Ground

De : Frederick M. Hess, Pedro A. Noguera
Lu par : Emmanuel Chumaceiro, Alex Knox
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    Winner of the PROSE Award (Education Practice & Theory category) 2022

    At a time of bitter national polarization, there is a critical need for leaders who can help us better communicate with one another. In A Search for Common Ground, Rick Hess and Pedro Noguera, who have often fallen on opposing sides of the ideological aisle over the past couple of decades, candidly talk through their differences on some of the toughest issues in K–12 education today - from school choice to testing to diversity to privatization. They offer a sharp, honest debate that digs deep into their disagreements, enabling them to find a surprising amount of common ground along the way. Written as a series of back-and-forth exchanges, this engaging book illustrates a model of responsible, civil debate between those with substantial, principled differences. It is also a powerful meditation on where 21st-century school improvement can and should go next.

    This book features: modeling dialogue; deliberate, sustained exchange; Left and Right politics; readable and conversational; and a unique approach.  

    ©2021 Teachers College, Columbia University (P)2021 Tantor

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