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Couverture de A River of Crows

A River of Crows

De : Shanessa Gluhm
Lu par : Lu Banks
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    In 1988, Sloan Hadfield's brother Ridge went fishing with their father and never came home. Their father, a good-natured Vietnam veteran prone to violent outbursts, was arrested and charged with murder. Ridge's body was never recovered, and Sloan's mother—a brilliant ornithologist—slowly descended into madness, insisting her son was still alive.

    Now, twenty years later, Sloan's life is unraveling. In the middle of a bitter divorce, she's forced to return to her rural Texas hometown when her mother is discharged from a mental health facility.

    Overwhelmed by memories and unanswered questions, Sloan returns to the last place her brother was seen all those years ago: Crow's Nest Creek. There, she is shocked to hear a crow muttering the same syllable over and over: Ridge, Ridge, Ridge.

    When the body of another boy is found, Sloan begins to question what really happened to her brother all those years ago. What she discovers will shock her small community and turn her family upside down.

    A River of Crows is a tale of family secrets, deception, and revenge perfect for fans of Julia Heaberlin and Jennifer Hillier.

    ©2023 Shanessa Gluhm (P)2024 Tantor

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