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Couverture de A Rake at the Highland Court

A Rake at the Highland Court

De : Celeste Barclay
Lu par : Paul Woodson
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    Can a lady-in-waiting resist the pressure to marry a stranger?

    Traumatized from an attack, Cairstine is determined never to marry and never to be subjected to a man's control. But one obstacle stands in her way: Her younger sister can't marry the man she loves until Cairstine marries first. When Cairstine's father refuses to consider her choice to become a nun, can Cairstine convince an unsuspecting friend to pose as her betrothed?

    Can a renowned rake reform his ways in time to protect a lady-in-waiting he never thought he would befriend?

    Eoin Grant watched his twin brother, Ewan, fall in love and marry. When Cairstine Grant blindsides him with a proposition to pretend to be her betrothed, Eoin realizes a real future with Cairstine might be better than pretend. Can he convince Cairstine to trust him enough to see a future together?

    Can a relationship based upon a falsehood grow into something real?

    Eoin's conscience demands he help Cairstine when she asks for his help, but he's not certain he can live with a lie that might tear apart his heart. When danger and necessity force them to decide, Eoin and Cairstine discover playing pretend isn't just for children.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Celeste Barclay (P)2022 Tantor

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