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  • A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men

  • The Forgotten British Special Operations Soldiers of World War II
  • De : Shannon Monaghan
  • Durée : 15 h

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A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men

De : Shannon Monaghan
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    The untold story of four special operations officers who fought together behind enemy lines across multiple theaters of World War II, and then continued to serve, officially and unofficially, for decades after in the hottest parts of the Cold War

    There have always been special warriors; Achilles and his Myrmidons are the obvious classical examples. What we now think of as “special operations,” however, were born in World War II, and one of the earliest and most exciting units formed was Britain's SOE. In the early years of the war, when Britain stood alone against the Nazis, Winston Churchill put them on a mission to “set Europe ablaze”: to foment local revolt, to gather intelligence, to blow up bridges, and to do anything that could help to disrupt the Axis cause. A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men follows four SOE officers who distinguished themselves in this fight: the Spanish Civil War veteran Peter Kemp, the demolitions expert David Smiley, the born guerrilla leader Billy McLean, and the political natural Julian Amery.

    With new and extensive research, including unprecedented access to private family papers that reveal the men's unbreakable bonds and vibrant personalities, Shannon Monaghan has uncovered a story of war in the twentieth century that, due to the secretive nature of the SOE’s work, has remained largely unknown. A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men is a thrilling and inspiring story of four remarkable men who, through sheer determination and daring, as well as unwavering friendship and loyalty, fought for a better world.

    ©2024 Shannon Monaghan (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire


    "The heroic exploits of Britain’s Special Operations soldiers finally receive in A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men a comprehensive and objective study, rich in humanity, anecdote, and, above all, relevance to a world once more in the throes of The Great Game.”—Richard Bassett, author of Hitler’s Spy Chief

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