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Couverture de A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru

A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru

De : Patricia M. Lafayllve
Lu par : Ann Richardson
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    Asatru Then and Now

    From its pre-Christian beginnings to its contemporary practitioners, Heathenry has long fascinated people from every corner of the world. Written from the unique perspective of a Heathen gythja, or Godwoman, A Practical Heathen's Guide to Asatru shows how to bring the beliefs and traditions of this ancient faith into your life today.

    In this complete guide to Asatru, you will discover:

    - The mythology, folklore, and historical sagas of Northern European Heathens

    - How to conduct rituals for birth, naming, entry into adulthood, weddings, divorces, funerals, and holy days

    - Practical techniques for meditation, trance-work, prayer, and working with runes and charms

    - Heathen perspectives on the nature of time, creation, worship, ethics, oaths, and hospitality

    ©2013 Patricia M. Lafayllve (P)2024 Tantor

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