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Couverture de A Place to Belong

A Place to Belong

De : Amber O'Neal Johnston, Julie Bogart - foreword
Lu par : Amber O'Neal Johnston
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    A guide for families of all backgrounds to celebrate cultural heritage and embrace inclusivity in the home and beyond.

    Gone are the days when socially conscious parents felt comfortable teaching their children to merely tolerate others. Instead, they are looking for a way to authentically embrace the fullness of their diverse communities. A Place to Belong offers a path forward for families to honor their cultural heritage and champion diversity in the context of daily family life by:

    • Fostering open dialogue around discrimination, race, gender, disability, and class
    • Teaching “hard history” in an age-appropriate way
    • Curating a diverse selection of books and media choices in which children see themselves and people who are different
    • Celebrating cultural heritage through art, music, and poetry
    • Modeling activism and engaging in community service projects as a family

    Amber O’Neal Johnston, a homeschooling mother of four, shows parents of all backgrounds how to create a home environment where children feel secure in their own personhood and culture, enabling them to better understand and appreciate people who are racially and culturally different. A Place to Belong gives parents the tools to empower children to embrace their unique identities while feeling beautifully tethered to their global community.

    This audiobook contains a downloadable PDF of the family discussion guides from the book.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Amber O'Neal Johnston and Julie Bogart (P)2022 Penguin Audio

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