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A Place for Us

De : Brandon J. Wolf
Lu par : Brandon J. Wolf
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    2024 Audie Award Finalist for Best Autobiography/Memoir Audiobook

    2023 SOVAS Award Finalist for Audiobook Narration—Author Performance—Best Voiceover

    From one of the most vital and passionate LGBTQ+ activists comes a powerful memoir about self-discovery, community, love, and resilience in the face of adversity.

    You never forget your first. First kiss. First love. First heartache. They all burrow their way into your subconscious, destined to reshape how you see the world forever.

    Growing up in rural Oregon, Brandon Wolf grappled with the devastating loss of his supportive mother and with the embedded racism and homophobia of a community that made him feel like an unwelcome stranger. After the lack of connection and role models led him down a spiral of risky behavior, Wolf escaped to survive. In Orlando, he found what he’d been searching for: belonging—in a community that was a safe space with people he’d come to call his chosen family. They taught Wolf how to love, and be loved, unconditionally. Then, on June 12, 2016, in an exhilarating refuge where Wolf and hundreds of others had discovered a liberating new normal, they were suddenly challenged with fighting for a way out—in order to survive. Overnight, everything was ripped away by chaos, panic, and fear. But the unimaginable tragedy also gave Wolf a new power: purpose.

    In this unforgettable coming-of-age memoir, Wolf shares his transformative journey from young outsider to galvanizing activist. Marshaling the compassion and strength of a community, Wolf explores how to get through the darkest times with healing, hope, and resistance. “With our backs against the wall,” he writes, “we find a way out together.”

    ©2023 Brandon J. Wolf (P)2023 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT


    “LGBTQ+ activist Brandon J. Wolf narrates his heartbreaking yet hopeful memoir with graceful clarity and much tenderness. He recounts his childhood in rural Oregon, where he was the only Black person in his family, and his eventual move to Orlando, Florida, where he found a life-saving queer community. He goes into detail about the night of the Pulse club shooting, the overwhelming grief of losing his best friend, and the trauma of surviving something so horrific. His narration is emotional and raw—this is not an easy book to listen to. But what comes through most powerfully as he's describing those he lost and the work he does today is love. Though devastating, this is a love letter to queer family and queer friendships. A moving, impactful listen.”AudioFile Magazine

    “Wolf narrates his memoir with a level of raw sincerity that captivates.… An honest, profound memoir that speaks to the struggle of belonging and the power of finding community.”Library Journal

    “[A] blazing debut. In stirring prose, Wolf mounts a testament to the power of community and a howling cry for justice. This is unforgettable.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)

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