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  • A (Not So) Simple Fetch Quest: Part 2: Disease

  • Book 2
  • De : Cathfach
  • Lu par : Jessica Almasy
  • Durée : 9 h et 16 min

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Couverture de A (Not So) Simple Fetch Quest: Part 2: Disease

A (Not So) Simple Fetch Quest: Part 2: Disease

De : Cathfach
Lu par : Jessica Almasy
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    Katie has successfully reached the third floor of the dungeon in which she accidentally stranded herself, but with enemies both ahead and behind her, she’s having to fight hard for every step she takes.

    Still, at least she finally found an ally, even if that ally was her.

    With her new class sapping her humanity with each advancement, it’s not even clear which of the pair of Katies is the biggest monster. However, with the undead king of the blight turning the catacombs against her, the vulpes arch-mage Mru’walyn hunting her from above, and a new threat encroaching on the catacombs from below, sacrificing more of her humanity may be the only way to win.

    Join Katie on her continuing mission to find a snugger napping spot than a spider’s silk cocoon and to find the holy sword. She hasn’t forgotten about that bit (honest).

    ©2021 Cathfach (P)2023 Podium Audio

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