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Couverture de A Night in with Audrey Hepburn

A Night in with Audrey Hepburn

De : Lucy Holliday
Lu par : Anna Parker-Naples
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    The hilarious and heartwarming debut from your new favourite author, Lucy Holliday. The perfect LOL read for fans of Paige Toon and Lucy Diamond.

    Unlucky in love, failed actress Libby Lomax has retreated into the world of classic movies, where the immortal lives of the screen goddesses offer so much more in the way of romance than her own life.

    After a terrible day on the set of a cult TV sci-fi series where she has proved herself to be the antithesis of feminine poise and embarrassed herself in front of heartthrob actor Dillon O'Hara, she plonks herself down in front of her trillionth viewing of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

    Relaxing on her battered old couch salvaged from the props department by her best friend, Olly, Libby is gobsmacked to find actual screen icon Audrey Hepburn sitting beside her. Dressed in her little black dress, wearing her trademark sunglasses, Audrey proffers advice to the hapless Libby between ladylike puffs on her vintage cigarette holder.

    And so Audrey becomes Libby's confidante and friend - but has Libby got what it takes to turn her life from a turkey to a blockbuster? With a little bit of Audrey Hepburn magic, she might just pull it off....

    A Night in with Audrey Hepburn is the first in a series of three books following the life and loves of Libby Lomax as she blossoms from Z-lister to A-lister and all of the stages in between with a little bit of help from some very special friends.

    ©2015 Lucy Holliday (P)2015 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "I laughed my slippers off!" (Alexandra Brown)

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