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Couverture de A New Day, A New Life

A New Day, A New Life

De : Salvatore Di Cione
Lu par : Mark Gregory
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    Shift your mindset, transform your life!

    What is the little voice in your head like? Does it encourage and support you to be the best person you can be? Or does it nag and bully you constantly? Does it say you’re not smart enough, attractive enough, good enough, and that nobody likes you?

    If you’re like many people, your internal monologue is made up of harsh, discouraging thoughts. This inner critic integrates into your psyche, creating patterns of negative thoughts that wear you down until you accept their sharp words as reality.

    But these thoughts are only a mindset, and your mindset can be changed. You can shift the way you think and transform your physical world, manifesting the exact life you desire using the power of your imagination.

    A New Day, A New Life is a detailed guide to challenging your ideas and overhauling your entire existence. With a powerful mix of modern scientific research, ancient philosophy, real-life examples, and practical advice, this book will show you a clear path to reshape your way of thinking.

    Inside A New Day, A New Life, you’ll discover:

    • How to reprogram your brain for happiness and confidence
    • The importance of mindfulness, presence, gratitude, and reflection
    • Ways to align your habits, thoughts, and mindset to your ideal future
    • Key habits to achieve an excellent life, along with tips to start actually doing them
    • Simple proven techniques for meditation and visualization

    No matter how stuck you feel in your current way of thinking, you can change your thoughts—and you’ll be so glad you did! A New Day, A New Life is the book you need to defeat your inner critic, starting right now.

    Start living like you love yourself.

    ©2022 Salvatore Di Cione (P)2022 Salvatore Di Cione

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