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  • A Meta-Spiritual Handbook: How to Be Spiritual Without Religion, Faith, or God

  • De : Tim Sledge
  • Lu par : Tim Sledge
  • Durée : 3 h et 28 min

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A Meta-Spiritual Handbook: How to Be Spiritual Without Religion, Faith, or God

De : Tim Sledge
Lu par : Tim Sledge
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    When former Christian minister Tim Sledge walked away from five decades of faith more than 10 years ago, he made a clean break - no more church, prayer, religion, or God. But there was one thing that surprised him: He still wanted to be spiritual. 

    Looking beyond traditional Christian views of spirituality, he found no “spiritual but not religious” model that worked for him. Eventually, Sledge decided to redefine spirituality for himself and to use the term “meta-spirituality” to identify his personal approach as beyond any conventional concept of spirituality. His vision of meta-spirituality touches that part of us that seeks inspiration, yearns for the highest and best in life, and longs for a connection to something noble and wondrous. 

    At the same time, Sledge emphasizes that the evidenced-based model of science is our guide for finding truth and recognizing reality. This is spirituality without God or magic, without religion or faith, and with no need of an invisible spirit world. 

    Meta-spirituality is presented as a call to kindness, listening, vulnerability, compassion, and gratitude; a quest for a growing sensitivity to the world of emotions; and a challenge to let mistakes lead to growth instead of shame. 

    The audiobook’s 26 chapters are organized around five topics: 

    • How to be spiritual without God
    • How to see reality
    • How to live with meaning
    • How to keep moving forward
    • How to practice meta-spirituality

    A Meta-Spiritual Handbook is a simple guide to seeing spirituality in a new way and a challenge to find your best self without reference to religion, faith, or God.

    ©2018 Tim Sledge (P)2018 Tim Sledge

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