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Couverture de A Mate's Submission

A Mate's Submission

De : P. Jameson
Lu par : Elizabeth Russell
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    She's the Alpha, but he's determined to make her kneel for his love...

    Avan is finally Alpha to the largest wolf pack in the country. Her position as one of the few alpha females in existence means shifters will come from all over to challenge her and gain control of Ozarka. Most concerning is the sudden appearance of a Ravendale wolf she never expected to see in her camp. But she has a secret weapon--she's going to use the brains her mama gave her to outwit any opponent. And when that doesn't work, she'll lean on her sexual prowess, because it's never failed her yet.

    Lexar has given up on finding a person to spend the rest of his life with. His former mating ended as an epic disaster, with his intended unwilling to even speak to him, and living on an island in the pacific. He's satisfied spending his nights alone and his days serving Ravendale as the pack's most trusted guard. That is until an intriguing alpha female has him questioning his role as a wolf... and as a hot-blooded man. When Lexar is sent to support the new alpha, he finds himself caught in a seductive game of push and pull that sets his wolf on fire, and makes him wonder if a relationship between two dominant wolves is possible.

    ©2015 Bryant Street Publishing (P)2024 Scribd, Inc.

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