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  • A Mail Order Bride Christmas

  • Mail Order Brides Western Historical Romance
  • De : Jessica Wolf
  • Lu par : Meghan Kelly
  • Durée : 1 h

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Couverture de A Mail Order Bride Christmas

A Mail Order Bride Christmas

De : Jessica Wolf
Lu par : Meghan Kelly
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    Jessie lived with her family on their homestead and had helped the family build a successful farm raising crops and animals. Her greatest joy and passion was for training her young mare and galloping across the plains. To her shock and dismay, her family agrees to an arranged marriage with a wealthy family who traveled from back East to do business in their town.

    Neither Jessie, nor her intended husband, want this union; but as she considers the situation they are both in, she realizes that their circumstances could be worse. James is being forced to marry or be disowned from the family business and all the wealth that comes from his name. He also knows that if he intends to be happy as a married man, he has to win her over and does his best to make her more comfortable with her new path in life.

    They go through with the lavish celebration that is more for their families than for the couple, and soon they are bound in matrimony to try and make a life together while leading the family business in the remote prairie town.

    Warning: Adults 18+ only due to sexually explicit content.

    ©2015 Jessica Wolf (P)2015 Jessica Wolf

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