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  • A Life Full of Glitter

  • A Guide to Positive Thinking, Self-Acceptance, and Finding Your Sparkle in a (Sometimes) Negative World
  • De : Anna O'Brien
  • Lu par : Anna O'Brien
  • Durée : 4 h et 56 min

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A Life Full of Glitter

De : Anna O'Brien
Lu par : Anna O'Brien
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    Learn the importance of expression: A Life Full of Glitter will show you how much creativity, physical activity, and social interactions affect your day-to-day life. Learn how to maximize these expressive activities to release pent-up emotions and frustration in order to have a fresh view of the world each and every day.  

    Reframe your thinking: Bullying, loss, regret, and fear impact our lives in tough-to-deal-with ways. Learn how to confront these and other challenges like the world's happiest people do - as opportunities. Armed with humor and a good attitude, author Anna O'Brien will teach you how to combat the negativity of life in this motivational self-help guide.  

    Move on from unresolvable issues: It can be difficult to process and move on from unresolvable issues that are holding us back from our most positive lives. A Life Full of Glitter introduces the concept of "long-game" thinking, which will help you reframe temporary setbacks and focus on long-term happiness. Discover easy-to-use tips and tricks to increase your positivity and personal growth.  

    Improve your relationships, opportunities, and overall well-being: Modern research shows that positivity improves almost every aspect of your life. A Life Full of Glitter will walk you through the findings of this research with real-life examples and humorous teachable moments from author Anna O'Brien's own life. 

    Allow Anna's audiobook to help you increase your happiness and self-esteem. A Life Full of Glitter is a modern guide to positive thinking presented through relevant research, captivating storytelling, and plenty of humor. 

    In listening to this audiobook, you will:  

    • Learn quick tips and tricks for shifting your mind to think positively  
    • Be introduced to new ways to address everyday challenges  
    • Master how to move on from feelings and experiences that are holding you back from happiness
    ©2018 Anna O'Brien (P)2018 Tantor

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