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Couverture de A. L. Kennedy: Three Plays

A. L. Kennedy: Three Plays

De : A.L. Kennedy
Lu par : Amelia Bullmore, Robert Glenister, Bill Nighy, Sebastian Croft, full cast
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    Bill Nighy stars in these three plays by multi-award-winning author A. L. Kennedy

    A.L. Kennedy is a celebrated novelist, playwright, short story writer and columnist. She has won numerous UK and international book awards, including the Costa Prize, and has twice been featured on the Granta Best of Young British Novelists list. A prolific writer for stage, screen and TV, she has also created several works for radio, among them this trio of dramas specially written for Bill Nighy.

    A Single Act – Lonely Simon (Bill Nighy) longs to bond with his vulnerable grandson Ben (Sebastian Croft), and rekindle his truncated relationship with his neighbour, Joyce (Amelia Bullmore). But although he cares for them both, he can’t seem to connect with either. Could the magic of laughter and the ‘Wilhelm scream’ bring them together? Celebrating 100 years of audio drama, this witty, poignant play pays homage to the inventiveness of radio and the world of sounds. It opens with a short introduction from Bill Nighy, talking about why this special art form is unique and what it means to him personally.

    Confessions of a Medium – Searching for a higher meaning to life, kindly, naive Mr Parker (Robert Glenister) moves to London, shuns conventional religion and explores the dark arts of séances and spiritualism. He believes he’s met a spiritual guru in the guise of Mr Thomson (Bill Nighy) – but despite being a charming, erudite and mesmerising medium, Thomson is a total fraud... Based on a true story from the 1870s, this gothic, darkly comic drama explores themes of illusion, delusion and desire.

    Love Love Love Like the Beatles – Oliver has never been able to say those three little words ‘I love you’. Now, at his wits’ end after losing his job and wandering the streets all night, he finds a private residents’ garden and waits for the love of his life to pass by. Knowing he has a tendency to bolt when he’s nervous, he climbs a tree – and refuses to come down until he sees Jo… This romantic comedy about a man on the verge of a nervous breakdown stars Bill Nighy as Oliver and Amelia Bullmore as Jo.

    A Single Act
    Simon Pratt – Bill Nighy
    Joyce Zani – Amelia Bullmore
    Ben Vane – Sebastian Croft
    Directed by Sally Avens
    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 26 December 2023

    Confessions of a Medium
    Thomson – Bill Nighy
    Parker – Robert Glenister
    Morton/Mr Gordon/Gentleman/Wilson/Waiter – Jonathan Keeble
    Mills/Butler – Andrew Westfield
    Miss Foster/Mrs Gordon/Lady No.1 – Fiona Clarke
    Miss Blackstone/Woman – Daryl Fishwick
    Produced and directed by Pauline Harris
    Pianist: Daniel Browell
    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 13 March 2010

    Love Love Love Like the Beatles
    Oliver – Bill Nighy
    Jo – Amelia Bulmore
    Mrs Henderson – Brigit Forsyth
    Mrs McDonald – Maggie Fox
    Leonard – David Fleeshman
    Directed by Pauline Harris
    First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 26 June 2012

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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