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A Kindness for Christmas

De : Lynne Lanning
Lu par : Spencer Dillehay
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Jerry got caught up in a war he wanted no part of; one that left him paralyzed from the waist down on the day of Lee’s surrender. Now he stood the risk of losing his ranch if he wasn’t married by the deadline. But what woman wanted a man who may never walk again?

Leanne was left destitute as the war raged. Her hometown was now taken over by a wealthy criminal…and he had his sights set on her. She was given a choice…either marry this corrupt man, or she and her three friends would be forced into bondage as saloon girls. Not only did she desperately need a way to escape, but she had to take her friends with her.

Through and intense, dangerous scheme, the Lord answered her prayers but her chance at freedom came with a price…she had to become a proxy bride to a man who may never walk again.

The four Yankee hating women were temporarily relieved to find safety. But what will they do when they find out the man willing to rescue them is a decorated Union Officer? Can Leanne ever overcome her terrible memories of destruction, and strong hatred for Yankees, enough to live with this man, “til death do us part?”

©2024 Lynne Lanning (P)2024 Lynne Lanning
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