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Couverture de A Jingle Bell Mingle

A Jingle Bell Mingle

De : Julie Murphy, Sierra Simone
Lu par : Joy Nash, Zachary Webber
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    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Julie Murphy and USA Today bestselling author Sierra Simone who gave us A Merry Little Meet Cute comes a new festive romcom – ’tis the season for second chances!

    Sunny Palmer has returned to Christmas Notch in search of some festive inspiration for her screenplay.

    Isaac Kelly, former boy band heartthrob and the saddest boy in the music biz, is the latest owner of the town’s historic mansion. What better place to attempt his first holiday album than a snow-covered mansion where he can become a hermit in peace?

    But after they wake up together in Sunny’s dilapidated motel room after a wild night, Isaac takes a chance and asks her to stay at his place and they make a deal: they will both try to get the other’s creative juices flowing again.

    With these two opposites under one roof, there’s no way this jingle bell mingle could go off script…right?

    ©2024 Julie Murphy, Sierra Simone (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    Praise for The Christmas Notch series:

    ‘The audacity of this magical author duo to sneak in and steal Christmas in the sexiest way possible … the charming holiday romp you absolutely need in your life!’ TESSA BAILEY

    ‘The holiday romcom of my dreams! Sexy, progressive, hilarious, and full of good cheer’ HELEN HOANG

    ‘Witty and entertaining from first page to last, A Merry Little Meet Cute will delight readers looking for a fresh, funny, fat- and sex-positive romcom … This book is a joy to read’ OLIVIA DADE

    ‘A diamond-tier rom-com filled with laugh-out-loud hilarity, and sizzling spice … This is what a holiday romance should be!’ NISHA SHARMA

    ‘Looking for a little bit of spice from your Christmas romance? … A refreshingly entertaining and sexy read, which also features some great plus-size representation’ POPSUGAR

    ‘With plenty of cheeky charm and a cast of superbly nuanced characters, this brilliantly executed rom-com both cleverly skewers and unabashedly celebrates the appeal of squeaky-clean holiday romances, while also championing body positivity in life and love’ BOOKLIST

    ’Funny and saucy, this certainly puts the X-rated into Xmas’ HEAT

    ’A merry little masterpiece … this is a read for those who want a winter romcom but with some X-rated antics’ METRO

    ‘The holiday rom-com of your dreams!’ COSMOPOLITAN

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