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A Is for Anorexia

De : Em Farrell
Lu par : Bonny Luisa Smith
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Em Farrell is a psychotherapist with many years of experience working with eating disorders. She originally set up a center for women with eating problems in London and used CBT and massage to help them. This book takes you deep into the troubled mind and body of an anorexic. It explains why anorexia occurs, what it does to the mind and body of the sufferer and how they can recover. It will benefit parents, friends, partners of anorexics and sufferers themselves, if they want to change. It explains this apparently inexplicable and sometimes deadly disorder. For parents: learn how to understand your daughter, strengthen yourself and help her. For friends and lovers of anorexics: learn about the beliefs that anorexics have about themselves and what is going on in their body and their minds, so that you can support them and help them get better. For counsellors and psychotherapists: learn the facts about anorexia, both physical and emotional, so that you have the courage to work sufferers and their deeply seated denial. For sufferers: discover an alternative view of yourself. If you have anorexia you can recover and have a better life.

©2015 Process Press Ltd (P)2016 Em Farrell
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