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Couverture de A House Full of Females

A House Full of Females

De : Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Lu par : Susan Ericksen
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    A stunning and sure to be controversial book that pieces together, through more than two dozen 19th-century diaries, letters, albums, minute books, and quilts left by first-generation Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, the never before told story of the earliest days of the women of Mormon "plural marriage", whose right to vote in the state of Utah was given to them by a Mormon-dominated legislature as an outgrowth of polygamy in 1870, 50 years ahead of the vote nationally ratified by Congress, and who became political actors in spite of, or because of, their marital arrangements. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, writing of this small group of Mormon women who've previously been seen as mere names and dates, has brilliantly reconstructed these textured, complex lives to gives us a fulsome portrait of who these women were and of their "sex radicalism" - the idea that a woman should choose when and with whom to bear children.

    ©2017 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (P)2017 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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