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  • A History of Ghosts, Spirits and the Supernatural

  • De : DK
  • Lu par : Piers Hampton
  • Durée : 9 h et 6 min

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A History of Ghosts, Spirits and the Supernatural

De : DK
Lu par : Piers Hampton
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    Discover the spine-chilling history of ghosts and the supernatural across the world in this stunning guide.

    A History of Ghosts, Spirits & the Supernatural charts the extraordinary narrative of one of the most fascinating and controversial subjects in the world, covering everything from Neolithic ancestor-worship and ancient necromancy to modern-day ghost-hunting and "creepypasta" tales, and from the Japanese onryo ("vengeful spirit") to the La Llorona ("weeping woman") of Latin America.

    The perfect introduction to the subject, this spellbinding volume details the numerous ways in which spirits and the spirit world have been depicted in myth and religion, folklore, art, and literature, and recounts infamous tales of haunted houses and ghost ships, séances and mediumship, poltergeists, possessions, and demonic encounters.

    Features profile other ghostly or “undead” beings such as vampires and werewolves, and explore the numerous reasons that ghost stories and tales of the uncanny are a common feature of cultures the world over. Entries also explore scientific theories around ghosts and hauntings, such as stone-tape theory (the idea that spirits can leave a sound impression on audio tape) or Kirlian photography (images of electrical discharges at the point of death).

    The most comprehensive and lavish history of the subject available, A History of Ghosts, Spirits & the Supernatural will shock and delight you in equal measure - whether you are a believer or a sceptic.

    ©2024 Dorling Kindersley Ltd (P)2024 DK Audio

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