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  • A Highly Unlikely Bicycle Tourist

  • An Astonishing Story About a 350-Pound Middle-Aged, Disabled, Working-Class Husband and Father and His Thirst for Adventure
  • De : Stephen John Peel
  • Lu par : Aaron Smith
  • Durée : 6 h et 56 min

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A Highly Unlikely Bicycle Tourist

De : Stephen John Peel
Lu par : Aaron Smith
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    A highly unlikely bicycle tourist

    Many an incredible story may have been told about young courageous men and women cycling the globe in search of adventure, covering vast distances at speed each day with not a care in the world, sleeping wherever they could pitch a tent or find someone willing to give them a free meal and bed for the night.

    Well, this incredible story is a little different. It is a story about a 350-pound middle-aged, disabled, working-class husband and father. I was never a regular cyclist, and I knew nothing about bicycle maintenance and repair. And yet, without a single day of bicycle touring practice, I loaded up my shiny new bike with everything I thought I’d need and cycled out of Cheshire to see the world. Solo, self-financed, with no support network and without any fixed route plan other than, “I’m going that way.”

    What could go wrong? I wondered.

    Bicycle Touring

    Bicycle touring is often referred to as cycle touring, bike touring, and bikepacking. However, bikepacking usually involves travelling ultra-light. Bicycles and other pedal-powered vehicles, as well as electric-assist, are perfect for exploring the world at just the right speed and in any way you choose. A day out or a long weekend, with an organized tour group or partner. On a shoestring or healthy budget. Travel as your fitness will permit, for as far and for as long as you wish. There are no rules, and you don’t have to love cycling or be a regular cyclist to love touring.


    Fourteen chapters about a far from typical bicycle touring adventure

    Organic reviews. No pre-launch reviews, no paid for reviews, and no review swaps

    Kindle and Paperback versions with 70 high-resolution images are also available

    ©2021 Stephen John Peel (P)2021 Stephen John Peel

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