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Couverture de A Handyman Can't Fix the Wasteland, Vol. 2: Power Struggle

A Handyman Can't Fix the Wasteland, Vol. 2: Power Struggle

De : Joshua B Coleman
Lu par : Joshua Coleman
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    After his run-in with The Handyman, Paul is in search for the simple life: simple job, simple food, simple place to stay. But the town of Deliverance is anything but simple in their attempts to be simply charming. Behind all their fancy niceties, the town harbors hate and disgust for grimy Wasteland people. They’ll do anything to protect their odd interpretation of what was once a normal life thirty years ago, before The Wasteland Star wreaked havoc upon the world. But now their way of life is challenged by a string of fires. Has The Handyman come into town? Is Evil rebelling? Or have the raccoons gotten way too smart? Paul must decide whether to stay and help, or help himself to a vacation away from all this drama.

    ©2024 Joshua B Coleman (P)2024 Joshua B Coleman

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