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A Gym Rat's Guide to Love

De : Ian M Keller
Lu par : Brennan Rossi
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    Stephen is embarrassed about the top surgery scars bisecting his chest, but wants to gain muscle. So why not lift in the middle of the night when the gym is empty? That’s the plan, at least until a friendly, muscled gym bro, Ryan, shows up night after night, giving him training tips and advice.

    For Ryan, lifting weights started as a way to wind down from his mentally taxing job. Now it’s practically his religion and he spends more time at the gym than his house. Training Stephen is a great excuse to avoid going home. Not that he has anyone to go home to.

    A friendly wager between them sparks something more. But can each man bulk his heart up enough to embrace love?

    A Gym Rat’s Guide to Love is a low-stakes steamy M/M romance with a trans masc main character and a happily ever after. Each book in the T-Guides series stands alone and they can be read in any order.

    ©2021 Ian M Keller (P)2021 Ian M Keller
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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