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Couverture de A Guided Meditation to Help Ease Pain

A Guided Meditation to Help Ease Pain

De : Belleruth Naparstek
Lu par : Belleruth Naparstek
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    Guided imagery is a complementary, mind-body therapy that consists of healing words and images set to soothing music to achieve specific healing or wellness goals. A separate track of affirmations provides quick relief in a briefer format that can be enjoyed while engaged in other activities. Repeated listening once or twice a day for two to three weeks ensures maximum impact. Through relaxing around and through physical or emotional pain, refocusing the mind, and marshalling serotonin-elevating images of love, gratitude, safety and peace, muscle aches, joint pain can subside, minimized or even transformed. The track list is as follows:

    1. Introduction (6:00)
    2. Guided Imagery (14:46)
    3. Affirmations (22:41)

    This gentle but powerful pain relief meditation was written and narrated for Health Journeys™ by guided imagery and holistic health expert Belleruth Naparstek, scored to the exquisitely soothing music of Steven Mark Kohn, and produced by the Cleveland Orchestra's Bruce Gigax.

    This empowering program has been found effective for many kinds of chronic pain management, for conditions as diverse as pancreatitis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasm, emotional pain, joint pain relief, headache, gastric distress and back pain.

    Check out our reviews and listen to a sample of this meditation for pain relief so you can see for yourself the difference guided meditation can make for your own pain management and relief. There is a reason Health Journeys™' programs are considered a best practice for pain relief by health providers and mind-body specialists nationwide.

    ©1995 Hay House, Inc. (P)2022 Hay House, Inc.

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