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A Grain of Hope

De : Melissa Cole
Lu par : Charlie Jolliffe
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In the shadow of rising Soviet power, Oksana Kovalenko's peaceful childhood is shattered by the relentless grip of tyranny. At thirteen, she is thrust into a world of hunger and fear, becoming an unlikely beacon of hope in Ukraine's desperate struggle against an iron-fisted regime.

Oksana's tranquil life, once defined by the golden expanse of her family's fields, is ravaged by draconian decrees and the perilous threat of starvation. When the government's iron grip tightens, claiming their crops and silencing any whisper of dissent, her village is ensnared in a desperate plight for survival. Witness to the reduction of her world to husks and echoes, Oksana finds her innocence stripped away by unforgiving politics and indiscriminate death.

Amidst the desolation, a spark of resistance ignites within her. Unlikely alliances form under the oppressive Soviet gaze as Oksana joins clandestine groups to combat starvation. Under the scrutiny of watchful eyes, every whispered conversation, every secret exchange of bread, becomes an act of quiet defiance—a resolute declaration: we will not be broken.

A Grain of Hope delves into a heart-wrenching journey of resilience, a testament to the unyielding human spirit. It is the portrait of a young girl whose courage blooms in the bleakest of winters, and whose story leaves an indelible imprint of defiance in the face of despair. Will hope sprout from the most desolate of soils? Oksana's tale begs you to believe—against all odds, it must.

©2024 Melissa Cole (P)2024 Melissa Cole
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