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Couverture de A Girl Named Carmen Winstead

A Girl Named Carmen Winstead

De : Trace Murillo
Lu par : Abbey Turner
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    A riveting and unforgettable story about evil and what it takes to stand up to it. Unnerving and delightfully creepy!

    As the new girl, Carmen expected some teasing.

    But what she got was pure evil....

    As the newest target of Somerdale’s most popular girls, Carmen Winstead is herself alone, unhappy, and prone to self-destructive thoughts. Maybe that’s why Carmen’s presence seems to have awakened something dark and sinister - a supernatural horror that has been hidden in the cornfields of Somerdale for a long time.

    Befriended by another outcast, Carmen finds the courage to face her demons. But when the pranks go too far, Carmen soon becomes intimately familiar with the town’s darkness - a darkness that is reaching out from beyond the grave.

    The result is a bloody trail of retribution that threatens to tear apart the entire town and open a curse that will never be settled.

    From the author of The Patient in Room 432, A Girl Named Carmen Winstead is the first book in The Urban Legend Collection. A terrifying and touching story of innocence lost and the trials that test our sense of right and wrong. A powerful, revealing, unforgettable exploration of what it takes to stand up to evil no matter what mask it wears.

    ©2021 Trace Murillo (P)2021 Trace Murillo

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