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Couverture de A Gathering of Words

A Gathering of Words

De : Peter Sheardy
Lu par : John Hruska
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    …Ever so very gently. The fingertips of the wind

    Lightly pluck an amber leaf from its home. It dips and swirls

    On its way down to earth. It could float forever

    On the waves of the wind. But the ride is over all too soon,

    And it settles down for a cold frosty night.

    There are many great songwriters, poets, and authors—many of whom have gone unsung. All are master storytellers, and many have sparked a chord within Pete Sheardy. Pete, who has been writing poetry and lyrics since high school, shares his favorites in a debut collection that covers a broad range of topics. Within his whimsical, intriguing, and poignant writings, Pete lyrically leads others through his personal reflections as he explores the vivid colors of laughter, the beauty of October, the call of a black rolling ocean, a frigid December in Cleveland, the beach of his younger days, an Americana graveyard, the river of a white swan, and much more. A Gathering of Words is a volume of song lyrics and poetry shared to provide a unique perspective on one man’s journey through life.

    ©2023 Peter Sheardy (P)2023 Peter Sheardy

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