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  • A Game of Extremes

  • 25 Exceptional Basketball Stories About What Happens On and Off the Court (A Game of Extremes.)
  • De : Roy Lingster
  • Lu par : Warren Sandwell
  • Durée : 3 h et 29 min

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A Game of Extremes

De : Roy Lingster
Lu par : Warren Sandwell
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    Discover the most inspiring, thought-provoking, and encouraging stories of this beloved sport.

    Did you know that basketball was invented as a way to keep boys entertained indoors during the harsh Northeastern winters?

    Are you aware that the college basketball coach with the most wins is a woman who got her start playing basketball in her family’s barn?

    Do you know why Stevie Wonder gave Darryl Dawkins the nickname Chocolate Thunder?

    If you already know all of these stories, you may very well be a basketball wizard.

    There are 2.2 billion basketball fans in the world. That’s over a quarter of the entire population of the world!

    There are so many fans because basketball is more than just a game. For many, it is a way to root for their favorite players–to live vicariously through these players who can fly through the air. And for others, basketball is the way to a better life.

    These 25 accounts share stories of courage, perseverance, and amazing feats all related to one of America’s favorite pastimes. Courage to change not only the landscape of the game but also of a country divided. Perseverance of players and teams who overcame great odds to become some of the greatest players in the world. Amazing feats of men who are almost superhuman in their basketball playing abilities. And these are just a few of the attributes covered in this charming collection of stories.

    In this book, you will discover:

    • The man who created basketball and how his original thirteen rules changed and evolved over the years
    • What a “cager” is and how they stopped brawls from happening between both players and fans
    • The player who convinced sports announcers to say he was from Planet Lovetron when introducing him at the beginning of games
    • How one man went from being known as one of the angriest men in the NBA to being a champion for mental health
    • A fan who was able to successfully sneak into the pregame warm-ups at an NBA game to become everyone’s hero
    ©2022 Roy Lingster (P)2022 Roy Lingster

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