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Couverture de A Fine Romance

A Fine Romance

De : Candice Bergen
Lu par : Candice Bergen
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    In the follow-up to Knock Wood - her best-selling "engaging, intelligent, and wittily self-deprecating autobiography" (The New York Times) - Candice Bergen shares the big events: her marriage to a famous French director, the birth of her daughter, Murphy Brown, widowhood, falling in love again, and watching her daughter blossom.

    A Fine Romance begins with Bergen's charming first husband, French director Louis Malle, whose huge appetite for life broadened her horizons and whose occasional darkness never diminished their love for each other. But her real romance begins when she discovers overpowering love for her daughter after years of ambivalence about motherhood. As Chloe grows up, Bergen finds her comic genius in the biggest TV role of the '80s, Murphy Brown, and makes unwanted headlines when Dan Quayle pulls her into the 1992 presidential campaign.

    Fifteen years into their marriage, Malle is diagnosed with cancer, and Candice is unflinching in describing her and Chloe's despair over his death. But after years of widowhood, she feels the sweet shock of finding a different kind of soul mate. Candice takes us through the first years of her new marriage and shares the bittersweetness of watching Chloe leave home and flourish - and the comedy of a losing battle against those damn wrinkles and extra pounds.

    A natural writer, Candice is hilarious, brutally honest, down to earth, and wise. She may be a beautiful Hollywood actress with a charmed life, but Candice is someone who can talk frankly about extraordinary events. Listeners will feel like they've just made a best friend.

    ©2015 Candice Bergen (P)2015 Simon & Schuster

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