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Couverture de A Divine Fury

A Divine Fury

De : D. V. Bishop
Lu par : Mark Meadows
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    The Crime Writers' Association Historical Dagger Winning Author

    A religious serial killer is haunting Florence and only Cesare Aldo can stop them. A Divine Fury is an atmospheric historical thriller by D. V. Bishop, set in Renaissance Italy.

    'Full of dash and atmosphere' - The Times

    'Fast becoming a serious rival to C. J. Sansom and S. J. Parris' – Historical Novel Society

    Florence. Autumn, 1539.

    Cesare Aldo was once an officer for the city’s most feared criminal court. Following a period of exile, he is back – but demoted to night patrol, when only the drunk and the dangerous roam the streets.

    Chasing a suspect in the rain, Aldo discovers a horrifying scene beneath Michelangelo’s statue of David. Lifeless eyes gaze from the face of a man whose body has been posed as if crucified. It’s clear the killer had religious motives.

    When more bodies appear, Aldo believes an unholy murderer is stalking the citizens of Florence. Watching. Hunting. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike again . . .

    A Divine Fury is the fourth Cesare Aldo mystery, preceded by City of Vengeance, The Darkest Sin and Ritual of Fire.

    ©2024 D. V. Bishop (P)2024 Macmillan Publishers International Limited


    In A Divine Fury, D.V. Bishop leads us on another darkly atmospheric journey through Medici Florence, keeping us constantly on our toes. Who can we trust and whom should we run from? I look forward to finding out what Cesare Aldo does next (S. G. MacLean, prize-winning author of the Seeker series)
    D.V. Bishop has such tremendous flair for a thrilling plot, a gruesome mystery, and engaging, relatable characters. It keeps you hooked and guessing all the way to its conclusion. With contemporary relevance about secrecy, hidden lives and cover-ups, Bishop’s books are stories to lose yourself in, with all the sights, sounds and smells of 16C Florence. But above all, this is the very finest in historical thriller storytelling (Kate Foster, author of The Maiden, Winner of the Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year)
    In Cesare Aldo Bishop gives us a Florentine Shardlake and this is his best escapade yet (David Hewson, author of the Nic Costa series)
    It’s hard to think of a better guide than D. V. Bishop to the brutality and glamour of Renaissance Florence (Andrew Taylor, bestselling author of The Royal Secret)

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