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A Deeper Walk

De : Bonnie Nilsson
Lu par : Gillian Butler
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This book is about you, and this book is about God. He has been trying to get your attention for a while. I feel like a mystery date host. This time, however, I know the mystery person. I know Him so well. He isn't a mystery anymore. You, however, are not known to me.

You will notice things changing slowly at first. I prayed for months for a change to my physical structure. I knew God could do it, and I was a willing participant. After months of prayer, I could see He was not granting my desire even though it was a desire of my heart. To say I was frustrated was an understatement. As I sat on my bed and threw my hands into the air and asked, "What?" There was a voice, and it said softly, "You're nonthreatening."

That day unbeknownst to me was my first day assigned to the hot side of the psych unit. As I walked into the room, I saw the sizeable man's frame whose feet hung several feet off the end of the bed. This man was enormous. His muscles were huge. His eyes were so swollen I wanted to get him ice packs. He was heavily drugged.

I told him my name and that I was his nurse today. Today was the day I would help him. He pried one eye open, a red eyeball. I realized the absurdity of my offer as he could crush me like an ant.

He opened his mouth with lips stuck like wallpaper to a wall with mostly dry wallpaper adhesive.

He chuckled like a horse, and if horses could talk, this man said to me, "Well, you're sure nonthreatening.""You've got that right," I said. "I'll bring in breakfast to you first today," I promised.

©2024 Bonnie Nilsson (P)2024 Bonnie Nilsson
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