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Couverture de A Dead Man's Favor

A Dead Man's Favor

De : Chris Tullbane
Lu par : Joel Richards
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    Now that he's back home in San Diego, life is looking up for John Smith, hapless P.I. and supernatural mediator.

    And sure, there may be a few flies in the ointment, like the little matter of an ongoing goblin war, the disappearance of John's chief mediator rival, and an ever-growing list of questions about the suspicious events of the past few years, but those are all topics for another day. It's wedding season and the sun is shining, the weather is perfect, and the early fall air is thick with the scent of-

    Wait. Is that rotting flesh?

    San Diego's zombie prince, Simon, may be long dead, but his descendants are still around and kicking, and one of them, his great-great granddaughter, just went missing. Now, Simon wants John to track her down.

    John has never worked across state lines before, but clearly that's going to change. And while New Mexico might not be quite as blissful as Catalina Island, it still sounds pretty sweet. After all, John and his friends have already survived gods, witches, werewolves, and the terrifying guacamole shortage of 2013. What sort of challenge could this case possibly offer by comparison?

    He's about to find out.

    ©2023 Chris Tullbane (P)2024 Tantor

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