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Couverture de A Dash of Scot

A Dash of Scot

De : Eliza Knight
Lu par : Antony Ferguson
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    Jane Austen’s world meets the Highlands of Scotland in an exciting new, sexy Scottish Regency series by USA Today bestselling author Eliza Knight. Gently bred ladies collide with noble Scottish heroes, in these new dramatic and emotionally charged tales of misadventure, and love.

    After the death of their father, Lord Featherstone, sisters Poppy and Annise, along with their mother, endure their new living arrangements at their Edinburgh house with their half-brother and his greedy and jealous wife. The only good to come of it is that the new lady of the house has brought her enigmatic and dashing brother, Dougal MacKay, with her. A whirlwind romance begins between the two, until the new Lady Featherstone puts a rather vicious end to it, and insists the recent widow and her daughters be removed from the house and cut off without a penny …

    ©2024 Eliza Knight (P)2024 Blackstone Publishing

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