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Couverture de A Dark Dream

A Dark Dream

De : William Walker
Lu par : Tony Brown
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    "A Dark Dream" by William Walker takes you into the tumultuous world of Tre, a man whose life spirals into darkness, landing him in a notorious psych ward known for its mistreatment of patients. The story unveils a harrowing incident involving a tragic medication mix-up, setting the tone for the bleakness of Tre's existence. Amid this despair, Tre stumbles upon a mysterious journal with cryptic writing, unbeknownst to him, possessing the power to bring words to life. He unwittingly creates a monstrous entity embodying his inner demons, unleashing chaos upon his world. With the guidance of a spectral guardian of the journal, Tre and his newfound friends in the ward confront this terrifying manifestation. "A Dark Dream" is a gripping narrative that deftly explores mental health and the challenges of living with mania. It immerses readers in Tre's mind, offering a captivating blend of reality and fantasy. As the tale unfolds, Tre's journey evolves from battling inner demons to a quest for self-discovery and personal growth. The novel poignantly underscores the profound impact of responsible choices and the transformative power of confronting one's deepest desires and fears.
    ©2024 William Walker (P)2024 William Walker

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