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Couverture de A Crown Forged in Flame

A Crown Forged in Flame

De : J.M. Wallace
Lu par : Shannon Parker Taing
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    Every "dream come true" comes with a cost. The question is whether it’s worth paying.

    Since Adalina can remember, the men in her life have expected obedience and compliance from her. But how can she give that to them when her destiny is to follow in her grandmother’s footsteps and soar upon the dragon’s back?

    When the neighboring kingdom of Astarfall insists on an ancient marriage ceremony to wake the slumbering dragon, it seems Adalina’s dreams are at long last within reach. But marriage to an arrogant, smirking Prince—even one as breathtakingly sexy as this one—means placing power and authority in yet another man’s hands.

    As a faceless enemy closes in, rumors of a beast summoned from the shadows leave Adalina with little choice: let sleeping dragons lie, or give what freedom she has left to a man she barely knows.

    Will Adalina finally fly on the wings of her destiny or will marrying this captivating stranger cost her more than just her dragon and her heart?

    A Crown Forged in Flame is the seductive and heart-racing first book in the Daughters of the Flame Trilogy, perfect for readers who love enchanting seaside kingdoms, powerful (yet sleepy) dragons, and an intriguing marriage of convenience trope.

    ©2024 J.M. Wallace (P)2024 J.M. Wallace

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