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Couverture de A Cowboy for All Seasons

A Cowboy for All Seasons

De : Jackie Ashenden, Maisey Yates, Caitlin Crews
Lu par : Samantha Cook
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    Discover the power of family in this uplifting quartet by New York Times best-selling author Maisey Yates, USA Today best-selling author Caitlin Crews, Nicole Helm, and Jackie Ashenden.

    June Gable left each of her four granddaughters a handwritten bequest - to spend a season at her beloved farmhouse in Jasper Creek, Oregon, before they sell it. These cousins were once as close as sisters, but time and family betrayals have pushed them apart.

    In spring, polished city girl Keira must find her country roots - and reconnect with an old flame. In the summer, tough tomboy JJ needs to tap into her softer side while helping a single dad and his daughters. Cheerful dreamer Lila has to help coordinate the town craft fair in autumn, under the stern eye of the handsome cowboy she loved as a girl. And as winter falls, headstrong, independent Bella must learn to ask for help from the one man she believes she can never have.

    The four cousins will have to confront secrets from the past, deal with old wounds they’d rather hide, and tangle with their hardheaded cowboys before they can find love, healing, and the true meaning of family....

    ©2020 Jackie Ashenden (P)2020 Harlequin Audio

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