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  • A Convenient Parallel Dimension

  • How Ghostbusters Slimed Us Forever
  • De : James Greene Jr.
  • Lu par : Tim Dixon
  • Durée : 11 h et 47 min

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A Convenient Parallel Dimension

De : James Greene Jr.
Lu par : Tim Dixon
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    "Rarely has a movie this expensive provided so many quotable lines."

    So wrote Roger Ebert in his review of Ghostbusters, the 1984 blockbuster that combined our paranormal fears and fascination with some of the sharpest comic minds of the day. Ghostbusters instantly resonated with audiences thanks to eye-popping special effects and crackling wit; to date, it remains the highest grossing horror comedy of all time. The film spawned an Emmy-nominated Saturday morning cartoon, a tent pole 1989 sequel, a contentious 2016 reboot, legions of merchandise, and one of the most dedicated fan bases in history. Ghostbusters also elevated its players to superstardom, something a few cast members found more daunting than the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

    Now, for the first time, the entire history of the slime-soaked franchise is told in A Convenient Parallel Dimension: How Ghostbusters Slimed Us Forever. The cohesion of talent during the mid-'70s comedy revolution, the seat-of-their-pants creation of the first Ghostbusters, the explosive success that seemed to mandate a franchise, the five year struggle to make Ghostbusters II, the thirty-one-year struggle to make Ghostbusters III—it’s all here, with incredible attention to detail. Thoroughly researched and engaging, A Convenient Parallel Dimension smashes long-held myths and half truths about the dynamics behind this cultural juggernaut and presents the real story, down to the last drop of ectoplasm.

    ©2022 James Greene Jr. (P)2022 Rowman & Littlefield

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